Contact Fosa Staromiejska 3, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 3510

Why is it worth it?

Knowing a language well, we can understand another human being. We can understand culture in all its manifestations: both our own and foreign, both contemporary and that of the ages past. What a multitude of meanings, intentions and emotions is contained in spoken and written words. This richness can also be found in our interlocutors’ messages and the texts we read. We can decode it on one condition – we have to be conscious of the language we use.

We develop this consciousness while studying the word, both written and spoken. While studying a language, one explores not only the language itself, but also the history, culture, everyday life and the mindset of its native speakers. For instance, studying literature is both a fascinating adventure and a REASONABLE CHOICE.

Having completed a course in Polish, one can pursue a variety of professions. The most obvious career is becoming a teacher of Polish in various schools, but there are other jobs requiring an expert command of Polish, both in speech and in writing. Polish Studies graduates often become successful journalists and are valuable assets in the advertising and the publishing industries. Equally successful in their professional lives are Classical Studies graduates who become acquainted with the ‘mother of all language studies’ and explore the classical languages and cultures which shaped the Western civilization.

Studying foreign languages opens up numerous possibilities for our graduates. This applies not only to the languages spoken in  the countries with a dominant position in the world, but also to the so-called niche languages. The careers of those who speak a foreign language fluently and have an in-depth knowledge of the foreign culture depend almost exclusively on their personal abilities and determination. Various types of schools, the media, tourism, business and diplomacy offer successful graduates with interesting job opportunities.

It seems that no other branch of the humanities stimulates intellectual development, at the same time providing one with specific skills valued in the job market. LANGUAGE STUDIES SIMPLY HELP UNDERSTAND THE WORLD.